Billy Bob's Shows This Weekend
August 26, 2021
I am pissed. Over half the band has fucking covid (not me), and before u shit for brains bloggers and media trolls run your mouths, many of them, like me, have been vaccinated. I was gonna come and rock the house anyway, play acoustic, DJ or even just Juggle…. Deez Nutz!! - or at least try to entertain u good folks. But seriously, shit is way out of my hands on this one. I am beyond upset and you real ones know I would never cancel if I absolutely didn’t have too. For this, I am sorry. -Kid Rock
PS - God bless our military, especially those who lost their lives today in Afghanistan. I am way more upset about that than some stupid virus and missing a couple shows. My heart bleeds for them and their loved ones. I hope we bomb the shit out of those fucks and send a clear message…But I am worried Biden is too much of a woke pussy. Say a prayer for the fallen, count your blessings and God Bless America.