Robin Williams Was a Great American
August 11, 2014

So sad to hear the news. No question we lost one of the greats today. But as I sit and reflect on the time I got to spend with Robin, especially entertaining our troops all over the world, it makes me proud to say what a great American he is and to call him a friend. One of the funniest nights of my life was spent with Robin and some other entertainers, stuck in a sand storm at a base in Iraq. We had to share a room that night, 8 of us with 4 bunk beds, in a tiny, tiny room. It was like the greatest summer camp ever - you can only imagine what the jokes were like that went on for hours from Robin and Lewis Black - I am pretty sure I pee'd a lil bit in my bed!! My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Rock on Robin, Rock on. - Kid Rock