
September 16, 2016
Kid Rock is back throwing his huge backyard party in Nashville for friends and neighbors at his Second Annual Fish Fry at Fontanel on Friday, October 7th and Saturday, October 8th. Imagine the most kick ass parts of a Fall festival, carnival, and backyard party… twisted Kid Rock style. Each day will include a full show by Kid Rock plus all the fun of last year’s...

September 15, 2016
Could not have said this any better....
Could not have said this any better. I am not exactly sure who this woman is, but she has a seat at my dinner table anytime she wants! - Kid Rock

September 12, 2016
Thanks to everyone who came out to Fenway this weekend for our double header with Jason Aldean. Less than a month until we hit the stage in Nashville for the 2nd Annual Fish Fry. Who's coming?

September 06, 2016
Good times in The Evergreen State this weekend. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Puyallup Fair.

August 22, 2016
Kickin' it in Carolina
Thanks to everyone who came out for Carolina Kickoff. Next up... Washington State Fair.

August 12, 2016
August, you've been good to us so far. See you in a week, Greenville!

August 08, 2016
You Ready for #8?
Time for another badass party on the boat. Check out the new cruise website updated with our itinerary, pre-sale info, and more!

August 01, 2016
Creek Fest
Hitting it hard at Creek Fest. Thank you, Iowa!

July 27, 2016
July has been HOT. See you this weekend, Iowa.

June 30, 2016
Save the Date - CTM 8
The dates for Kid Rock's 8th Annual Chillin' the Most Cruise have been announced! Join us for 5 nights at sea, April 4th-9th 2017. More info will be coming soon, but for now you can join the pre-sale waiting list here:

June 21, 2016
Just Announced: Kid Rock’s 2nd Annual Fish Fry
Kid Rock is back throwing his huge backyard party in Nashville for friends and neighbors at his Second Annual Fish Fry at the Fontanel on Friday, October 7th and Saturday, October 8th. Each day will include a full set by Kid Rock plus all the fun of last year’s Fish Fry and even more. There’ll be more live music, a Ferris wheel, corn hole, fireworks, picnic tables,...

May 09, 2016
Second Date Added at Fenway Park on 9/10!

Rebel Soldiers have access to pre-sale tickets for this event. The pre-sale begins on Tuesday, May 10th at 10AM EST and runs through Thursday, May 12th at 10PM EST. Check your email for pre-sale instructions. To join the Rebel Soldiers fan club, visit


Kid Rock and Jason Aldean have added a second date at Fenway Park in Boston, MA on 9/10! Rebel Soldiers have access to pre-sale tickets for this event. The pre-sale begins on Tuesday, May 10th at 10AM EST and runs through Thursday, May 12th at 10PM EST. Check your email for pre-sale instructions. To join the Rebel Soldiers fan club, visit Tickets will be...

April 25, 2016
From Kid Rock
I am beyond devastated to report that my personal assistant Mike Sacha passed away today in an ATV accident here in Nashville. He was a member of our family and one of the greatest young men I have ever had the pleasure to not only work with, but also to become friends with. I know I speak for us all in sharing my deepest condolences to his family. I can not imagine how they must feel. ...

April 15, 2016
Kid Rock and Jason Aldean are coming to Fenway Park in Boston, MA on 9/9! Rebel Soldiers have access to pre-sale tickets for this event. The pre-sale begins on Tuesday, April 19th at 10AM EST and runs through Thursday, April 21st at 10PM EST. Check your email for pre-sale instructions. To join the Rebel Soldiers fan club, visit Tickets will be...

April 14, 2016
Studio Update:
My, my how things have changed in the studio!!! But do not fear. Rock n Roll is alive and well and being laid down as we speak! 2 B continued... - Kid Rock

April 01, 2016
Trucker Vision #7
Trucker Vision Ep. 7 is coming to you from Kid Rock’s Chillin’ the Most Cruise and Rodeo Houston. Check it out:

March 24, 2016
Lucky #7 - Chillin The Most
Kid Rock’s 7th Annual Chillin’ the Most Cruise was yet another EPIC journey to Redneck Paradise! If you missed our dysfunctional family reunion (or were there and your memory is hazy), check out the gallery HERE.

March 16, 2016
Houston Rodeo
Ha! This guy nailed it. No doubt my voice was trashed from the cruise. It took several songs before it opened up and became manageable! try’d every singer's trick in the book from warm lemon water, honey, tea, steam, ginger, to just not talking. But all in all we got the job done and it was a great show and tons of fun. Thanks for the honest review, I hope folks had a great time. I...

March 02, 2016
This is what it is all about folks.
I cannot tell you how much fun I had with my friend Dan and his family watching the Pistons stomp Toronto! I want to extend a heart felt thank you to Tom Gores and the whole Pistons organization, from the players to the waitresses, all the staff and fans for making such a night more than special for Dan, his family and myself. First class all the way. This is one of the many reasons I am...

February 20, 2016
I shit myself when I saw this today. So frickn’ funny. Nothing like a good Saturday morning laugh!! I actually thought about donating 99,990 dollars myself!! lol

February 18, 2016
Don't hang out with assholes
"Don't hang out with assholes. If you surround yourself with good people, everything else is going to work itself out." Read this and more Kid Rock wisdom in his latest interview with Rolling Stone.

February 10, 2016
Chillin' The Most
Only 1 month until our crazy dysfunctional family hits the high seas! Throw a finger in the air if you're joining us for lucky #7!

January 04, 2016
Happy New Year

Thanks to Debbie Wallace for the photo.

Had a badass time ringing in the New Year in Louisville! Thanks to Debbie Wallace for the photo.

December 18, 2015
MASH Photo Album
In the spirit of the season of giving, we added a new photo album of Kid Rock performing at MASH earlier this year. All proceeds benefited military and veterans organizations. Happy holidays to all our service men and women. Check out the pics from MASH: Music for Action - Service - Hope here. Photos by Philip Douglas

December 11, 2015
Fish Fry Flashback
Photos by: BWH2 Productions

Check out the new album of pics from the First Annual Fish Fry here.Photos by: BWH2 Productions

November 10, 2015
Inaugural MASH Concert featuring KID ROCK raises over $100,000 for Military Organizations
Music for Action - Service - Hope is pleased to announce that the inaugural concert, headlined by KID ROCK, raised over $100,000 for military organizations. This past October 25, Shooter Jennings with Waymore’s Outlaws, The Whiskey Gentry and Ray Fulcher joined KID ROCK on stage at Evans Towne Center Park to create the largest ticketed show in the venue’s history and raise...

September 30, 2015
It's almost time for Kid Rock's First Annual FishFry! On both Friday and Saturday, the festivities start at 4pm...

-Kick it with live music on the Backyard BBQ Stage featuring Packway Handle Band and John Stone Band
-Eat up at Nashville’s best hand-picked local food trucks (all with aFishFrytwist)
-Quench your thirst with a variety of drinks at the Backyard Bar 
-Ride the dollarFishFryFerris Wheel
-Try your luck at dollar games like High Striker
-Show off your Cornhole skills
-Savor the moment with theFishFryphoto booth
-Grab your limitedFishFrymerch
-Catch the Fish Fry Fireworks

Then Whitey Morgan and Tim Montana & the Shrednecks hit the officialFishFryStage until it's time for your host KID ROCK!! and Twisted Brown Trucker.
It's almost time for Kid Rock's First Annual FishFry! On both Friday and Saturday, the festivities start at 4pm... -Kick it with live music on the Backyard BBQ Stage featuring Packway Handle Band and John Stone Band -Eat up at Nashville’s best hand-picked local food trucks (all with aFishFrytwist) -Quench your thirst with a variety of drinks at the Backyard Bar -Ride the dollarFishFryFerris...

September 08, 2015
St. Louis and Chicago
Thanks for moving your plans to come out this weekend. To show my appreciation, I'm bringing an old friend to join me on stage. See ya there!

September 02, 2015
Kid Rock to Host Weeklong Johnny Cash Tribute on CMT
In commemoration of the 12th anniversary of Johnny Cash's death on September 12th, CMT will feature a weeklong tribute to the Man in Black beginning on September 8th. Longtime Cash fan Kid Rock will host the tribute on the network, which will temporarily rename itself "Cash Music Television." Read more.

August 24, 2015
Kid Rock ends record-setting DTE run on a high note
About halfway through his record-setting show Saturday night, Aug. 22, at the DTE Energy Music Theatre, Kid Rock told the packed house that, “When I was younger I thought maybe I could play here, sell it out. Maybe. “But 10 shows? Man, are you kidding?!” Saturday was, in fact, the finale of Rock and his Twisted Brown Trucker band’s 10-night stand at the amphitheater that his...

August 20, 2015
CTM 7: Join the Waitlist
Chillin' The Most 7 is officially SOLD OUT. If you're still hoping to hit the high seas and sail to Jamaica with us, make sure to sign up for the waiting list here.

August 13, 2015
DTE #3 & #4...
Who's coming out this weekend? Photos by Marc Nader and Christopher Schwegler

August 09, 2015
2 shows down
2 shows down - whew!!! Was not 100 percent the first night but we muscled through it! Felt really good about show 2 and am feeling 99% back to normal after going through an awful respiratory infection and vocal thing. Big thanks to Uncle Ted for rocking out with us on both nights!! Motor city rock n roll is alive and well and it couldn’t be more special than to share and receive the love...

August 07, 2015
Kicking off 10 sold out shows in Detroit tonight!

August 05, 2015
The Buffalo News: "Kid Rock treats fans to a high-energy show"
Kid Rock fans know how to party … hard. Despite a torrential downpour that left many of the early tailgaters waterlogged, fans of renegade rocker Kid Rock weren’t fazed as the cigar-chomping, beer-chugging bad boy from Michigan took to the stage at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center for the latest stop on his “First Kiss Cheap Date” tour. Before the sun set, Foreigner...

August 03, 2015
This Weekend...
Had a f@*#$ing blast in the Midwest!!! Thank you Cleveland and Indy!!!