
January 20, 2021
God Bless America
Like many others, I was not happy with the election, the horrible pandemic or timing of it, among many other things, including the 4 years of constant attacks on Donald J. Trump (myself and his supporters) that began before he even took office.  He accomplished so much.  Nonetheless, I respect the office of the presidency and will congratulate President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris and join them in their call to unify our country and hope and pray for a better tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
God Bless America.-Kid Rock

January 17, 2021
Thank You!

"In honor of old man Bob's 50th trip around the sun, our grassroots army is donating $50,000 to Barstool Fund through Nickel Promise to benefit small businesses in Michigan impacted by the latest shutdown. Happy Birthday Kid Rock from your fans, friends and family!"

-John James

January 17, 2021
Fuckin' 50!!…I made it!

Fuckin' 50!!…I made it!  Happy Birthday to Me! Wanted to share one of my favorite personal pics w yall on my special day. Looking forward to hanging with everyone tonite who is signed up at There could be no better gift than raising some money with my fans and friends to help small businesses out in this country i love more than life itself! 
ONE LOVE - Kid Rock
PS - this is my definition of ROCKIN’ these days!!


January 14, 2021
Birthday Hang
Hi Everyone!  I’m looking forward to my birthday hang with ya’ll on Sunday.  Not really sure what’s gonna happen but don’t believe the hype… This is NOT a live concert.  While music may be a part of the livestream,  this is more of a chance for me to catch up and hang with everyone and tip one back together!   The livestream is absolutely free, so tell all your friends.  We will be including a donate button in honor of my birthday to the Kid Rock Foundation.  HOWEVER, Do not feel obligated to donate, we simply wanted to offer the opportunity to those that can.  Every penny collected will go to the Barstool Fund that is helping struggling small businesses remain open.
I have been overwhelmed by the response and THANK YOU to everyone that has already pre-registered to join us for the fun.  The deadline to signup for the livestream is Noon CT on Sunday.  Don’t miss out!  Sign up now at
Ps - I am gonna try not to have a beer until we go live, but NO PROMISES, after all, it’s MY birth and it’s free! 😜

December 24, 2020
RIP John “Ecstasy” Fletcher
So sad to hear about the passing of Ecstasy from the legendary, pioneering, rap group Whodini. One of my all time favorites!!... saw them several times when I was very young in Detroit and am so fortunate to have got to know him and the group over the years. I know all those who got to see them on the “Chillin' The Most Cruise" and so many others are tipping a cold one back for him tonite and blasting some Whodini jams!!. God bless you X.
Love and respect.
- Kid Rock

December 11, 2020
My mask game is getting strong! 💪
My mask game is getting strong! 💪 And I can also shop in Wal Mart for hours uninterrupted these days! #halffull 😜  Make the best of this bullshit and have a great weekend everybody - Kid Rock

December 04, 2020
Jingle Beat - MUSICARES

If you live in the Nashville area or are visiting this holiday sure to check out this one of a kind audio visual experience developed and created by the designers, crew, programmers, technicians and vendors we use on tour that have experienced some of the most direct economic devastation this year. I am sure it will be a sight to see!! Merry Christmas, Kid Rock.

Info and Tickets Here  

November 20, 2020
Tim Montana

My buddy Tim Montana’s new music and videos are out today! I think you all will dig em, I sure do. He reminds me a lot of myself when i was younger with his talent and work ethic, and he knows how to have a good time! Check em out if you're looking for some new good jams to get down to! Kid Rock



November 15, 2020
Congrats Dustin!
Big congrats to my friends Dustin Johnson, A.J, Paulina and the whole family / crew on a great win at The Masters today!! I smell a party in Jupiter Fl tonight! Don’t rock too hard without me!! 😜 Kid Rock

November 13, 2020
Young Hooligans
Look at these young hooligans! (circa 1997 - White Room Studios, Detroit, MI) God bless Joe C. Have a great weekend everyone. Kid Rock

November 11, 2020
Thank You Veterans!
Some of the hardest and most rewarding work I have ever done was performing and spending time with our military around the world. But it is nothing compared to the service and dedication our proud veterans and their families have done for our great nation. So to all my veteran brothers and sisters, Thank you again. -Kid Rock 

November 09, 2020
The Asset Mindset
My dear friend Dan Fielding's book is available for pre order! I can not even begin to tell you what a great man and friend Dan is. Not only his service to our country but also working with me on several tours. He is an all around force for positivity and all that is good. I hope you will join me in supporting him and his book which I truly believe will improve all our lives.
-Kid Rock

September 14, 2020
Trump 2020
In case anyone is not clear on how much I support our President…
Myself and Don Jr have a rally tonight in Macomb County Michigan for his re-election.
I have been dealing with neck issues for years (from performing like I do for the past 30 years) and spent the morning at the Dr’s office getting 2 Steroid shots, one in my ass and the other in my neck, etc, etc.
Would make sense to cancel my appearance, but NO WAY! I will be there and will give it everything I have this evening.
That is how important getting POTUS re-elected is too me and I could care less about the continuous attacks from the left wing media, etc, that have been going on for over 4 years now. It's the reason I have turned down countless interviews and TV appearances as I refuse to be their click bait. 
I am currently filming a career documentary and will address EVERYTHING in it, on my own terms, to be released next year with new music and schedule one last monster tour (2021??) that will kick my critics in their ass and give all the love I have to the fans. 
(R U Scared?)
#Trump2020 - Kid Rock
PS - I said years ago that TIME OUTS AND LAST PLACE TROPHIES would come back to haunt us!  

-Robert Ritchie / Kid Rock

September 01, 2020
My Favorite Gal
Always so much fun and such an honor to be with my favorite gal (and part time wife 😜 ) Loretta! Crystal and Ernie and the rest of the family put on a beautiful event with so many great friends. They definitely caught me off guard, and I am glad they did! It was a much needed ray of light in these trying times. I hope it put a smile on everyones face as big as mine and LL's! -Kid Rock

August 29, 2020
Motor Coach Industry
I have been trying to do what I can to help out so many affected by this DAMN COVID CRAP! From bar or health care workers, farmers, musicians or even just donating money to food pantries. The motor coach industry is very close to my heart as well and what we entertainers, bands and crew use to show up in your towns to rock your socks off! I am asking my legions of loyal fans to take 5 minutes and check out the link below. Thank-you! We're all in this together. God Bless - Kid Rock

April 14, 2020
Kid Rock, Steve Smith To Match Tips From Virtual Performances

Kid Rock and Steve Smith, Nashville’s Lower Broadway honkytonk kingpin, have announced they will match all “tips” made through live performances beginning at noon on April 15, and streamed on Facebook pages for Tootsies Orchid Lounge, Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk, Honky Tonk Central, Rippy’s Honky Tonk, as well as the Facebook page and website of Honky Tonk School for 72 hours.

“Just like playing in the clubs, our musicians make their living from the tips they received from our patrons so we are encouraging people to tip them during these performances,” says Smith. “These musicians love to perform and entertain, so just like the rest of America, they are going stir crazy not being able to perform for the people. This is just a way to get them performing again and hopefully bringing some happiness into the homes of those that would rather be on Broadway during this time.”

“Like most of us, I am a big supporter of all musicians and especially for those who work hard for the Honky Tonk Godfather and myself,” says Kid Rock. “These guys and gals work for us everyday. A lot of them you know. So listen, any tips you donate during the live stream are appreciated, but over the next 72 hours will be matched by my Big Ass Honky Tonk, Tootsies Orchid Lounge, Rippy’s and Honky Tonk Central. Thank you and stay safe.”

Tootsies Orchid Lounge, Rippy’s, Honky Tonk Central, Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk & Steakhouse and The Diner have continued to pay their employees since Mayor Cooper issued all bars to close in downtown Nashville due to social distancing laws amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Honky Tonk School has organized this effort to help musicians make ends meet until the bars open and they can go back to entertaining in person.

To donate directly to the Honky Tonk School to keep the music playing visit the Honky Tonk School Musician’s Streaming Fund or donate through Venmo.

April 03, 2020
RIP Bill Withers
One of my favorites of all time. His “Live at Carnegie Hall” record has been at the top of my list for decades. What an incredible talent and genuine soul. He will be missed by so many.   - Kid Rock

March 28, 2020
DJ Bobby Shazam is Back

DJ Bobby Shazam is Back 🤣... with a positive message and to help you shake that booty while we all do our part to help fight this virus with his new, old school inspired jam “Quarantine.” All monies generated from this gem will go to The Kid Rock Foundation which has a 0% operating cost and donates to help those less fortunate. No question we will continue to help in the fight against Covid-19. We hope this puts a smile on your face and remember, It makes us who we are, in times like these. God Bless and be smart.

- Kid Rock & The Kid Rock Foundation

Listen here:


March 23, 2020
We are very fortunate to be able to do a little more than “Care.” 
The Kid Rock Foundation will be sending checks for $10,000.00 to each to the following, hoping to inspire others able to help (more to follow):
Please try and take care of your neighbors, especially the elderly or those less fortunate than you. 
God Bless Detroit - Michigan - America - and The World,
- Kid Rock 

March 21, 2020
Rest in Peace Gambler

This is one of my favorite songs since I was young. It was written by Mike Settle and Kenny Rogers had a big hit with it in the late 60’s. Me and a few of my band members did this very quickly in my studio years ago. I thought it would be a nice tribute to Kenny. Rest in peace Gambler.

- Kid Rock

March 03, 2020
God Bless Nashville

Whatever needs to be done to help Tennessee and the people she holds hit by last nights devastating storm, count me in. God Bless Nashville. -Kid Rock


February 28, 2020
Please help Morgan on Rare Disease Day

Kelly Kozole has been a partner and friend to the Kid Rock organization for nearly 20 years. Just recently, Kelly shared the news that her daughter, Morgan, has a rare disease called BPAN Syndrome. It is a genetic disorder that affects the nervous system and progressively worsens with age. There are only 500 reported cases of BPAN in the entire world and there is very little research being done.  

Please help Morgan on Rare Disease Day

February 05, 2020

February 03, 2020
Time to check a bitch……/kid-rock-kobe-bryant-hunt…/

In case anyone was wondering what a “Everything offends me, complete pussy, snowflake ass millennial” looks like, here he is! 

You have big opinions on the internet buddy but I bet you would cry like a bitch and call an attorney if I saw you in person and smacked you right in your ear for poppin' that shit! 

You're welcome for just making you relevant for 15 minutes. Now crawl back to your computer and enjoy your “woke” - sad existence at any attempt to be relevant, or a man.

(Don't want to waste to much time being mean, but every once in a while you gotta take 2 minutes and call a mother fucker out!) 

I am actually sure I would have a lot in common with people like this if we just spent some time together….. But….. I don’t hang out in coffee shops with pegged pants, half groomed beard internet nerds. And I am pretty sure this kid has never gutted an elk, understands conservation or has enjoyed the benefits of real organic grass fed animals on his plate. (Get a hold of me and I would be happy to cook you some and could also tell you what the inside of a vagina feels like.)

I know you far left weirdo’s have it out for me and that’s fine. I know who my friends and fans are. But make no mistake, you will never silence or defeat me, you only throw gas on a fire that will burn your ass in the end. (fyi, I have no problem with most who have different political views or opinions than me - that’s America and I love it.)

At the end of the day I can be an over the top, loud mouth, opinionated mo-fo too, but I really do not wish harm to anyone for there opinions or beliefs….But I am a pretty good word smith with a platform and it’s fun to put it to use from time to time in real life as well as songs! And of course, I do not take shit from anyone!

My post on Kobe was my truth and from the heart.

I am fairly sure I could post that the sun looks beautiful and some fuck-tard would attack me in the media and say I should be banned from something for making lewd, sexual comments about the sun. Ha, Like I would give a fuck!…

Kid Rock

February 01, 2020
Last Weekend...
Had a great hunt in South Texas last weekend. The weird / crazy part of it all is that I took a helicopter (which I normally try to stay off of) to the airport Sunday to head home. While taking off I had a "more than usual" very dark / eerie feeling. To make things even stranger, the gun I used to hunt was nicknamed “The Black Mamba” - I only met Kobe Bryant in passing a few times but really enjoyed watching him play and respected his work ethic. God bless you Kobe. Condolences to all those who lost loved ones in that terrible crash. May it serve as a reminder to live each day to the fullest. Kid Rock

December 30, 2019
New Years Eve!
Me and the crew will be hitting my Big Ass Honky Tonk and Rock n Roll Steakhouse in Nashville tomorrow for a NYE celebration! May even jump up and sing one or two around 10pm??!! Either way, Happy New Year to all!! #Letsgetshitfaced but be safe!!
Kid Rock

December 04, 2019
All this BS going on has just go my blood pumpin’
and is only more songwriting fuel for a new record and tour in 2021.  
I am beholden to no one, no corporate sponsors, no label and I am gonna go the fuck off!  
You haters better be shaking in your boots. 
To my supporters and fans, I will not let you down. 
I guarantee it will be my best record and tour ever.
Devil Without a Cause…
Kid Rock

December 04, 2019
Made In Detroit Restaurant Update
I will not be renewing my licensing agreement for my Made In Detroit Restaurant this April. 
I appreciate all who have patronized our place and still have much love for the City of Detroit and the people / organizations that I have helped there for years, black, white, whatever, but learned long ago, go where you're celebrated, not tolerated.
I guess the millions of dollars I pumped into that town was not enough. I will let the NAN network and others go ahead and take the wheel now. Good luck.
I may be guilty of being a loud mouth jerk at times, but trying to label me racist is a joke, and actually only does a disservice to the black community, which I have supported my entire life, by trying to alienate myself and many others.
PS - Hey Al Sharpton, you or your cronies will never beat me you tax evading, race baiting clown!
Trump 2020!!
250k donated to Eastern Market for the Kid Rock community kitchen
250k donated for the Barbara Bush reading innovative in Detroit
1m raised to help save The DSO
many, many more 10’s if not 100’s of thousands of dollars raised and donated in Detroit by Kid Rock

October 15, 2019
Congratulations Paula!
My friend Pastor Paula’s new book came out today! Congratulations and may God continue to bless you Paula! - Kid Rock #SomethingGreater

July 04, 2019
God Bless America!!
Does it get anymore ‘Merican than this?
Happy 4th to all!
God bless America!!

June 13, 2019
28th Annual John Daly Golf Classic
Very bummed I will not be able to attend my old friend John Daly’s charity golf tourney and concert / jam this weekend. I have been sick all week and am unable to travel. I hope everyone still shows up to support his great work with the boys and girls club and has a blast! Hopefully next year I will be there. Rock on - Kid Rock

May 31, 2019
New Shows!

New Tour Dates with HANK JR!!! 
Tickets onsale Friday, June 7!
9/20 Charlotte, NC
9/21 Atlanta, GA
10/4 St. Louis , MO
10/5 Tinley Park, IL

Visit for more info.


May 27, 2019
Memorial Day
As we celebrate and give thanks to those who have served and are serving on this Memorial Day let’s not forget there are many veterans and families of who still need our help. While I have and continue to donate money and time too many organizations, here are links to a couple very close to my heart. Please help out if you are able too. God bless America and all who have served. Kid Rock 

May 07, 2019
New Website / Fan Club Registration

To all Kid Rock fan club members,

The Kid Rock website has transitioned to a new host.  As part of this process, all fan club members (paid and free) need to register with the new site in order to continue accessing your fan club account and presale codes. 

Members should have received an email with the link to register.  You will NOT have to pay again!  Simply click the link, enter a new password and that’s it.   It’s that simple!   Be sure and check your junk folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox. 

Unfortunately, the transition requires the message board be temporarily disabled.  Those behind the scenes are working on getting it back up as quick as possible.  

Thank you for your patience during the transition, and we promise to have the board back up and running as soon as possible.  In the meantime, for any questions regarding your fan club account, please contact

April 15, 2019
Disney World
Does not get any better than Disney World with your granddaughter! Thank you to Ray and all who helped make it such a special day. #Blessed - Kid Rock

March 23, 2019
Another great day on the links! Thank you to POTUS for having me and to EVERYONE at Trump International for being so wonderful. What a great man, so down to earth and so fun to be with!! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!  - Kid Rock 

January 10, 2019
Chillin' the Most Lineup Announce
Kid Rock’s Chillin’ The Most Flyin’ High Island Jam Lineup is in! Get ready to party in po-dunk paradise with Kid Rock, Jamey Johnson, A Thousand Horses, LIT, The Earls of Leicester, John Stone and the Trailer Park Allstars, Bishop Gunn, Sweet Tea Trio and Dean James Jr.!   Party like a rock star May 6-10, 2019 at the legendary Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in beautiful Punta Cana, Dominican...

December 17, 2018
Leipers Fork Christmas Parade
A big heartfelt THANK-YOU to Leipers Fork, TN for having my granddaughter and I in their Christmas parade!  We had a ball!  Thanks to the parade organizers, volunteers and everyone who came out. I will be there to not only support the parade for years to come, but also the community in any way I can. Merry Christmas.  -Kid Rock

December 01, 2018
Well folks, it is official...My parade has been rained on!
But in the end, it is not about me.  It is about the kids and the wonderful work they do at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Either way, myself, family and especially my granddaughter, are gonna enjoy today. Sending well wishes for a break in the rain and a successful parade.  I love Nashville and the people she holds.  But remember...Rock n Roll Never Forgets!! Robert Ritchie / Kid...

November 30, 2018
Behar has been an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump
and when Myself, Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent visited The White House last year, Behar called it "the saddest day in the history of the White House since the British burned it to the ground in 1814." Today I said "Screw that Joy Behar bitch" Mess with the bull, you get the horns.  End of story. I apologised for cursing on live tv, I will not for my sentiment nor do I expect an apology from...